More than Coincidence: Remembering Jesus Christ in Your Story

He Cares with Sara

Lily Season 1 Episode 30

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I’ve often asked myself the question, “Does God really care about the things I care about?” In this episode Sara powerfully testifies that she has seen Christ in her life and shares how He has shown He sincerely cares about her desires, big and small. Her stories reveal how God’s love manifests in both monumental events and the small, reassuring signs we might overlook. Join us for a touching episode, filled with testimonies that remind us of Heavenly Father and our Savior’s unwavering support and care, often arriving just when we need it most.

Please reach out to me if you are interested in sharing your story! I would LOVE to hear from you. :)

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**Transcripts available on website!

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome to. More Than Coincidence, remembering Jesus Christ in your Story as the author and finisher of our faith, our Savior writes personal experiences into each of our lives which can later strengthen, empower and bring us peace upon reflection. This podcast is dedicated to sharing these anchoring memories from everyone's unique stories in order to collectively remember and testify of the reality of Jesus Christ and his presence in our lives. I'm your host, lily, and I'm very excited to share these experiences together. Good evening everybody. Welcome to the podcast. Today we have Sarah. How are you, sarah? I'm good. How are you doing? Fantastic. It's been really nice catching up and sitting and chatting for a little bit.

Speaker 2:

It's actually been awesome.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So, sarah, will you introduce yourself a little bit? Yeah, so I'm a stay-at-home mom, married, coming up on seven years. Congratulations, thank you. It's been an awesome ride. And yeah, we have two kids and two boys, so you know boy mom. Yep, a little about me. I did a lot of singing groups growing up, sweet yeah, so less so lately, but I still love it. I'm in the middle of a piano renovation project, but that's also been going on for nearly a year. So we'll see how I am.

Speaker 1:

We'll see what process I'm in about a year from now I feel like renovating a piano would take about a year.

Speaker 2:

I feel like that sounds about right yeah, it's more that I keep looking at it and thinking I'm gonna get to it eventually and then I just don't. Um, life gets busy, yeah, um, I have started doing a little bit of freelance editing. So I'm editing a book for a friend and I'm about halfway through what she has available right now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's cool.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, you got a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

That's really interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you Interesting. Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm really happy that you said yes to come on to the podcast. I've been really excited to interview you, so I'll just ask you the question, sarah what memories do you have in your life that you reflect on, that prick your heart in remembrance of our Savior Jesus Christ?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, the the ones that I was thinking about leading up to this were, uh two events that happened within a month, uh, where we were getting ready. So this was uh back in december also recently yeah, yeah and uh, we were getting ready to uh go see my family for Christmas.

Speaker 2:

They live, we live out of state, not them, because we moved away, we live out of state from them and we are going to go visit them. And the day before we were supposed to leave, we had packed everything up, we had done a bunch of laundry and cleaning and, uh, we were I think it was about midnight, uh, wrapping up, getting ready to go to bed, so, uh, so we could head out early in the morning, uh, and then we, uh, we heard my almost four-year-old who he was screaming in the middle of the night, which is very odd for him, and so we went in there and he had thrown up and, um, we were, uh, you know, hectic because our plans suddenly changed, where we wouldn't be able to go early in the morning to visit my family, right? So we were rushing to get him cleaned up and back in bed and an hour later, our one and a half year old he wakes up and is just screaming, and we had noticed, by the way, that my almost four-year-old had a fever too.

Speaker 2:

They were definitely sick, definitely sick. So I went in to help our youngest and he's just screaming. And then I realized he feels just as clammy as our other son did, and I start panicking like no, we can't have two kids sick. This is really bad. And so I asked my husband to give him a blessing, and he had also given our other son a blessing to get him to calm down and be able to go back to sleep and hopefully start healing, right?

Speaker 2:

So then he gives the blessing to our youngest, and he was just fighting and screaming and trying to get my husband's hands off him, but as soon as the anointing part ended he just went quiet and my husband continued with the rest of the blessing and he was just calm, continued with the rest of the blessing and he was just calm and when the blessing ended I remember feeling his forehead and he felt completely normal, wow, as if he hadn't been sick at all to begin with yeah and then we were able to put him straight in bed and he was fine and slept through the night.

Speaker 2:

As soon as I had realized that our kids were getting sick, I had just started breaking down because I was looking forward to seeing my family and I just was so sad that we wouldn't get to be there with them for Christmas. And so then, my husband Kenton, he gave me a blessing too. So then, my husband Kenton, he gave me a blessing too, and it was one of comfort rather than healing, because I wasn't sick at that point.

Speaker 2:

So then we went to bed and woke up in the morning. We had told my parents what was happening, and so we had to postpone. At least two days was our plan. But in the morning my husband started to feel sick too and we were getting really nervous because that would push back the timeline even more, right? And so he asked a friend for a blessing, and in the blessing it said that he would be healed sufficiently for the trip. Right? So we waited the two days, and there were no more bouts of illness in that whole span. Wow, the kids were completely fine, completely fine, and Kenton had healed enough that he was able to function normally.

Speaker 1:

Can you drive? Yeah, yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

He felt tired and lethargic and like weak in the muscles, but other than that he was fine and we were able to make the drive, and that itself felt like a miracle, because I mean, we've been sick so many times since then this year and, uh, and every time it's been at least a week at least in the house always right, um, and this was two days, yeah, and so in.

Speaker 2:

In that instance it was just uh like wow, that was really cool, that it was an answer to our prayers and, uh, the blessing. But then on the drive back we had another experience that hit home even harder, where we were in a canyon and I was the one driving and and I started to get really tired and everyone else had fallen asleep. We didn't have any music playing and I was listening to an audiobook, but we had turned down the volume a little bit so that it wouldn't wake up the kids, right, and we had the heater going because it was cold outside you were nice and nice and comfy.

Speaker 1:

It was a perfect storm. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And because of being in a canyon, it was winding back and forth which was also lulling me to sleep and I kept catching myself where I would start to feel tired and I would like shake myself awake.

Speaker 2:

And getting toward the end of the canyon, I actually did fall asleep and it was only for a second or two, but it was enough that the car hit the side railing on the passenger side Right. My husband shot awake and started yelling and kids started screaming and crying Right. And the miracle there was that, even though we hit the side, we were able to keep driving Right and we got out of the canyon, stopped and looked at it. There was no damage except for just external, like little scrapes on the sides damage except for just external, like little scrapes on the sides. Yeah, there was a dent along the side, but not enough to do internal damage or structural damage right. And the crazy part is that there were so many curves in that canyon that for for it to happen where it didn't hit the front of the car at all and have us like, go over the edge right or hit the canyon wall and we're coming to oncoming traffic oncoming traffic too, because there were cars coming yeah the.

Speaker 2:

The fact that it just happened to hit on that one side with no other damage and no injuries was incredible, and I just feel like that was God's hand in that moment, because I imagined so many ways that that could have gone wrong and it didn't and it should have. Because I even remember, when I was shaking myself awake before that happened, that we would be like flying toward the uh, the canyon wall, and then I would like shake myself awake and turn in time to to make the turn and like it was scary and I should have. You know, I should have woken up my husband, but I just was trying to be the nice wife that you know lets everyone sleep Right Should have been the mean wife in that moment.

Speaker 2:

Moral of the story I know Be the mean wife Be the mean wife in a car trip, but no, it was scary. And then we also found out later, when we got the the car fixed, they had to replace the door both doors actually and because it didn't hit the front panel, they uh, they did have to check it just in case, so like they looked underneath right and took off the front panel just to check on things, right, but they didn't have to replace anything for that. But what they saw was that there was uh previous damage right in that spot, in that front corner, that it could have hit right, that if we had gotten hit there it's supposed to be structural support that prevents uh internal damage to the the car and uh prevents uh injury to the people inside.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was completely crushed and so, um, there, was you got hit there, you guys would have been damaged.

Speaker 2:

We probably not only the car, but us, yeah, we would have at least been injured, yeah. If not more than that, and just the combination of the two makes it feel like Like it I don't have another way to describe it it was just God's hand. Yeah, there's no way that two coincidences like that could have happened of of the immediate healing in our family and and our survival Right family and and our uh survival right the lord is definitely there watching over you guys yeah

Speaker 2:

sarah will go on this trip and she will make it home, yeah no well, uh, we also had on the drive down there, uh, to visit family. We had heard about a young family who had just died in a car accident on their drive from Utah to Arizona. That's where we were driving from right. They were fairly newlywed and they were actually driving down to announce pregnancy, no way, and they had died, or the wife and her child had died in the car crash and the husband I don't remember if he had passed, but he had a lot of injuries.

Speaker 2:

He might have passed away Right, and my dad had been really nervous about it all and was telling us be very, very careful in this drive and was praying for us and telling us just, you know all the cautions and despite being in a situation where we should not have survived, we somehow did.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And yeah, I can't say that it wasn't God.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and isn't that going to be so cool. Where you have that, you have the chance to think about it now and just be in awe and amazement. But then, even in the future, when you know you have other things happening or you can, you can bear witness and bear testimony to your children or to friends or to family or whoever like. I've seen this, I've seen miraculous healings, I've seen that the Lord will keep us safe. Yeah, right, I think that that is very special, to be able to bear witness to that. Yeah, were there any other? Any other stories or thoughts that you want to share?

Speaker 2:

I mean other than that. It's that if I have had other miracles in my life, none have stood out as much to me.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel like you needed this miracle?

Speaker 2:

No, kenton says he not necessarily needed it like he, he didn't need to get in a car crash. You know, but no one needs that. No, no one had sick kids.

Speaker 1:

No one needs to have to have a near-death experience no, but to him it was like a wake up.

Speaker 2:

That was heavenly father, just giving him that, like, not just a reminder, but like a shake, yeah, like shaking his shoulders and saying you know, I'm here, I haven't forgotten you, don't forget me Right.

Speaker 1:

It reminds me of you know, when you have your baby and you have them up and then you like pretend to drop them and for a split second, they're like but then you catch them Right and the baby kind of like goes stiff, yeah, but then they're happy because you're smiling, and they're smiling and you're like, ha ha, see, I'm just letting you feel like you're falling, but I have you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So maybe it was a little Heavenly father giving, giving you guys a little. That's a little bit of that, just what it reminded me of. Yeah, there I I don't feel like this is as it. For me it was a big thing when I was a kid, but I mean, for kids, little things are big things. But I do remember the first time that I relied on the spirit and I received help, just a really simple thing. I was in school taking a test and I couldn't remember the answers and I just completely blanked and that had never happened to me yeah, and I was freaking out.

Speaker 2:

And then I remembered a primary hymn, the. The lyrics just hum your favorite hymn, hum your favorite hymn.

Speaker 2:

Hum your favorite hymn. Sing out with vigor and vim and you will find it clears your mind. Hum your favorite hymn, so I did. I hummed to myself the. Whenever I hear the song of a bird, look at the blue blue sky, yeah. And so I hummed that to myself, just in my head. Yeah, and immediately I felt calm and I could remember everything. Wow and um, got through the test, no problem, right and um. I think that was the first time that I felt my testimony strengthened, knowing that Heavenly Father was there and would help me.

Speaker 2:

Such a simple moment, but it just, it's always stuck with me. The small and simple things are what we can rely on, and God cares about all of our moments. He cares about all of the things in our lives, from a test as a third grader to wanting to spend time with family in the holidays or making it home to continue your life with your family. And it just, it just is incredible to me that that, not not just that God exists. I've, I've honestly never questioned that he's there, but that he loves us so, so much to be there for all of it, to help us through all of it, that he really is the perfect parent right?

Speaker 1:

well, and as you're talking, it reminded me of the conference talk that was just given about what? What was it? The, the rays and the beams, or something like that where he specifically was saying you know, to those who feel like god's not there or they aren't experiencing big things, god gives little rays of light rather than a giant pillar, or maybe it was like rays and pillars or something like that, and I feel like what you've shared tonight is a testament to that it's. You've had this pillar of light of I saved your life. We are eternally grateful and then the smaller one of my gosh. I just really want to pass this test.

Speaker 1:

And so the fact that he gave you that ray and he gave you that pillar and I think you know, sometimes in our lives maybe we still won't get that pillar, but I think the fact that you are testifying that you have seen these rays, right, but the fact is he's there and he's giving us those things in the ways that we need to receive them he, he touched your heart in only a way that could touch Sarah, right? So I think that that is is beautiful, is absolutely beautiful. So thank you for sharing that. Um, if there are no other thoughts. Would you mind leaving us with a testimony?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just I know that that Heavenly Father is that he's going to be there, has been there through everything, and that he will provide us with the help we need, but also be there when we don't really know that we need it, and that he'll sometimes just wait for us to ask, but other times he'll be there before, and I've experienced both. He's a God of love and I couldn't be more grateful for him.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your testimony with us. I appreciate you coming. Thanks again for tuning in to More Than Coincidence, remembering Jesus Christ in your story. Please follow us on social media or share us with a friend. If you have an experience you'd like to share, feel free to reach out to morethancoincidencerememberhim at gmailcom. I can't wait to hear all of the amazing memories you all have of our Savior. See you next time.